Thursday, June 26, 2008


Krishna is worshiped with the Kama Gayatri, establishing Himself as the transcendental Kamadeva of Vraja. The following sheds some light on the life of Kama as cupid, his lila, qualities and names, as told in the Kalika Purana:

Brahma created ten Prajapatis. After that he created a beautiful lady called Sandhya. Seeing her exquisite beauty he became perplexed, Brahma and the Prajapatis where irresistibly fascinated by her charm and sprang forth from their seats. All there thoughts converged on the same object. At his time an extremely handsome youth emerged from Brahma's mind, with a floral bow in his hands. On appearing he asked Brahma, "kam darpayami" - whom should I make proud? From this time onwards he was known as Kandarpa.
Brahma replied, let the minds of the living entities be the aim of your arrows... you will enter the hearts if all in an invisible form ( your flower arrows will pierce the heart)". Since he churned the mind of Brahma, he got the name 'manmatha' and since he was extremely attractive in appearance he came to be called Kama.

In the assembly of Brahma and the Prajapatis he shot five arrows:
Harsanam - Pleasing or gladdening
Rocanam - Attracting or tempting
Mohanam - Deluding or infatuating
Shoshanam - Weakening
Maranam - Killing

Braham beacame aroused by the arrows and all became infatuated by Sandhya. Sandhya was also excited and from her came 49 parts and 64 kalas (Arts).
From the drop of perspiration that fell on the ground from Daksha arose a beautiful woman and Daksha told Kama that this woman would become famous as Rati Devi, and gave her as his wife.

Kama's names in the Puranas:
Madana, Manmatha, Mara, Pradyumna, Minaketana, Kandarpa, Darpaka, Ananga, Pancasara, Sambarari, Manasija, Kusumeshu, Ananyaja, Puspadhanva, Ratipati, Makaradhvaja, Atmabhu, Iraja, Isma, Kinkira, Abhirupa, Grdhukalakeli, Kanjana, Ramana, Dipika, Madhudipa, Samantaka, Muhira, Rupastra, Vama, Puspaketana, makaraketu, Ratinayaka, Ragavrnta, Samsaraguru, Gadayitnu, Mapatya, Mayi.

Weapons: Bow of sugarcane, string of beetles, the arrows are tipped with flowers.
Vahana is the parrot and the sign on his banner is Makara.
The flowers on his arrows are: Aravinda, Ashoka, Cuta, Navamalika and Nilotpala. Also known as Unmada, Tapana, Shoshana, Stambhana and Sammohana.

Krishna is Saksanmanmathamanmathah - The essence of cupidity in Cupid himself.
Radha is known as Madan Mohan Mohini - She bewilders Him, who captivates even Cupid himself with His beauty.

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